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Heirloom Caprese Salad with Crispy Prosciutto

Heirloom Caprese Salad with Crispy Prosciutto

Hello & Happy Summer. Today I am sharing a light & cool Summer salad recipe. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I don’t love a salad. I am just not a huge fan of certain lettuce- that’s why a caprese is one of my all time favorite salads!

I used Heirloom tomatoes for this one, but creole or another variety will work as well. I picked my Heirloom tomatoes up from Albertsons & grabbed a yellow & red one.

This recipe is a perfect lunch for 2 and would be great as an appetizer for more!



  • 2 heirloom tomatoes

  • 6 pieces of fresh mozzerella

  • 3-4 pieces of prosciutto

  • olive oil

  • balsamic glaze

  • fresh basil

  • salt & pepper


  • Preheat oven to 425F

  • Place prosciutto on a parchment lined baking sheet and place in oven while you prep your salad (check at 5 minutes, it will be ready once crispy)

  • Slice tomatoes & assemble with mozzarella on a plate

  • Pour Olive Oil & then Balsamic glaze in a circular motion around the plate on top of mozz & tomatoes

  • Sprinkle salad with crispy prosciutto pieces & freshly cut basil

  • Season with fresh cracked pepper & a pinch of salt to taste

I hope that you enjoyed this recipe. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for other delicious creations!

Happy Eating,


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