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Guy's Gift Guide

Guy's Gift Guide

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Still Christmas shopping? Yeah, me too. I always find it a little hard to buy for the guys in my life. Similar feeling?

Last week my family sent gift ideas for themselves on our group message. I thought I would round up what my brothers and Petey asked for this year. I am also including a few gifts that they have gotten in the past and love.

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1. Headlamp - perfect for walking in from a hunt in the dark. Petey actually owns this, but it is also on James list.

2. Lodge Cast Iron Bundle - we LOVE our cast iron and if you have a camp this would be a great set to leave there as well.

3. Folding Knife - great for fishers & hunters. It’s only $17 and would make the perfect stocking stuffer!

4. BruMate - holds a 12oz can and my brother and finace LOVE these! I own it as well, it’s pretty great :)

5. The Man I never met by Adam Schefter - my brother Donnie asked for this book. Adam is on ESPN- your guy should know who he is per Petey.

6. Roundup Backpack Sprayer - perfect if you do your own lawn and garden

7. Zippo Handwarmers & Zippo Fuel - my brother asked for these, but now Petey really wants it! Buy 2 hand warmers and one thing of fuel

8. French Press for your coffee lover!

9. Weighted Blanket James & Petey both have one and I would love one!

10. Jack Black Turbo Wash - Petey loves this stuff!

There you go! I hope this helps & I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas! xoxo, Liz

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